Smart Search

An intelligent search that helps patients find doctors/diagnostics/hospitals, based on relevance and location.

Filters Available :-

Doctors – Location, Fees, Qualification, Specialization, Availability

Diagnostics – Location, Discount, Location, Age Group, Accreditation

Hospitals – Search by Hospital Name or Surgery Name, Location, Facilities, Specialties, Accreditation

One-Click Booking

The convenience of online appointment booking in just one click away, by searching doctors’ availability. The patient either can book directly from the app or can talk with call center executive for booking an appointment using ‘call’ feature.

Upload and Share Reports

Patients can take a picture and upload prescriptions/reports in the app, directly from their phone. These can be quickly shared with the doctor using “share feature”. Patients can even store and share reports of their family members.

Vaccination Alerts

By entering the DOB of the newborn baby, a user can create vaccination alerts. The app will automatically start sending reminders when a vaccination date is near.

Book Healthcare Packages

The app also offers special health care packages, which can be availed by the patient for getting affordable services from renowned healthcare service providers.

Healthcare Tips

Patients can get up-to-date latest healthcare news and information in the app itself.

Payment Gateway Integration

The app allows patients to make online payments, securely and easily, eliminating the need to carry a large amount of cash.