Web, Mobile App and Integrated CMS for an Online Mattresses Supplier


One of the top ten mattress and foam manufacturing companies in India was struggling with its growth and expansion plans. Even after selling products at very competitive rates, it was facing difficulty in managing its customer base along with issues regarding information on products.


One of the major issues that the client faced was that it could not keep track of its products which were manufactured and then sold to customers. It was vital that they receive the information of every serial no. (Of product) that they sold in order to maintain its proper Guarantee and warranty details and reporting. Next, customer satisfaction was of prime importance to maintain the customer base and further expand their business. However, managing customer complaints efficiently was difficult.



We implemented a Customer Delight Program for the client in order to maintain its existing customer base, and also get information on their product’s sale. However, for it to be implemented properly, we needed a system where customers and dealers both can register products easily through, website, phone call or mobile app along with a fully integrated Complain Management system through which each and every activity of customer complaint could be tracked efficiently. Prolitus also provided a proper lot and serial no. management system for all their products. The system also enabled them to generate and maintain Guarantee Cards and MRP labels to be used along with the CDP module. This CDP was also supposed to be integrated with their website to make it easier for Customer to register.


Due to implementation of the system, following changes were observed –

  • Complaint Management efficiency increased many times. Earlier issues like lack of information about products guarantee and warranty, and manual work were reduced to nil.
  • The call center and managers were easily able to track complaints and their respective salesperson.

  • With the fully integrated system product registration system and complain management system reduced the job of the employees and allowed the team to focus on important tasks unlike earlier where the whole day was utilized in the just management of these complaints.
  • With different Mobile Apps meant for dealers and website integrated with ERP, they were able to extract the right information on the sale of its products which was a great asset in taking Managerial decisions.


In the next phase of the system, the ERP team is focusing on increasing the sales through proper tracking of the sales team of the client. Prolitus is introducing Mobile Apps completely integrated with ERP to be used by the Sales team. These apps will be closely linked to the CRM and Human Resource of the ERP. Idea is to manage proper attendance, expenses, location wise tracking (through GPS), incentives, and timesheets for HR purposes and leads, opportunities, customer data for CRM. Once done with CRM, the next phase will be complete Warehouse, Purchase and Production Management followed by Accounting & Finance with HRMS.

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