Google Adwords & Facebook Ads for an eCommerce Store Providing Luxury Bathrobes

“I was referred to Prolitus from another consultant. And I was not disappointed. The Prolitus team jumped right into my existing Adwords campaigns and was able to make strategic structural changes that saw immediate positive impact to not only grow traffic but also lower my overall CPA. They also gave me new ideas in growing our business online. I would recommend their services to anyone who wants to outsource their PPC work so that they can focus on the core business.”



Prolitus solved the high CPA issue in Adwords, which adversely affected the sales and ROI for Plush Necessities. The client has a seasonal business of luxury bathrobes and slippers. Their sales didn’t appear to be promising for holiday season November and December. They also aimed at achieving an increase in sales from previous years.

We solved their problem by completely restructuring their Google Adwords and Bing accounts and optimized their bids smartly to lower the cost for non-converting keywords. Additionally, we created Facebook campaigns from the scratch, which opened their market on social media.

Our consistent and efficient approach to providing solutions resulted in a significant growth in sales and we achieved an optimized CPA for Plush Necessities.


50.00% CPA decreased

14.45% increase in sales in all channels

5.00% increase in Google Conversions

39.00% increase in Bing conversions



High-Cost Per Acquisition

The Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) was almost double from the standard account level CPA and it needed to be reduced by 50% in the coming holiday period of November & December.


No Conversions from Facebook Ads

The client was yet to explore the social media market for generating sales. They didn’t achieve any sales from Facebook.


Target an Increase from previous year sales

The client aimed at achieving an overall increase in sales from previous years.

Services Offered

Google Adwords & Bing Ads Management

Optimization of Google Adwords and Bing Ads account
to increase the sales at lower Cost per Sale (CPS).

google ap

Facebook Ads Management

Optimization of Facebook Ad Account to capture
more sales from social media channels.


For Google Adwords & Bing Ads:

google adw
  • Restructuring of the account and adjustment of bids for different devices, which include desktop, mobile, and tablet. We also reduced non-converting ad spend.
  • From search term report we gathered converting keywords, which were mapping from broad or BMM terms. We added them in a phrase match to get more impression share and to convert the traffic.
  • Adjusted bids in shopping campaign for converting device & reduced bids for non-converting devices to control CPA, and we also used keywords rich title & description in all feeds.
  • Added RLSA to all search campaigns at higher bids which got more conversions at 50% lower CPA from account level CPA.
  • Added DSA & RDSA campaigns to capture relevant traffic & conversions.

For Facebook Ads:

facebook speek
  • Created precise and intersect targeting, to better reach the targeted users.
  • Utilized Video view ads, look alike audience, and custom audience to reach out to alarger audience at lower costs.
  • Split testing for different ad format & /wp-content/uploads/2019/04/ to get better CTR.


Our careful and systematic approach to providing solutions, we could bring the desired optimum CPA level, and we achieved an increase in overall sales. Here’s list of those results:

CPA decreased by 50% MoM

Generated sales from Facebook. Earlier there were no sales from any social media.

14.45% increase in sales in all channels YoY.
5% increase in Google Conversions YoY.
39% increase in Bing conversions YoY.

desiredCPA decreased by 50% MoM

significant number Generated sales from Facebook. Earlier there were no sales from any social media.

yoy sales 14.45% increase in sales in all channels YoY.
5% increase in Google Conversions YoY.
39% increase in Bing conversions YoY.

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