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Streamline Operations in the Education Sector with ERP System

The education industry is always on the move. All year long, the management is wrapped up with some activity or the other. Admission, exams, recruitment, faculty and class allocation, etc demand time, money, and labour. Since education has socio-economic impacts and is not confined to a particular community, it is pivotal that these operations keep up with the digital world to ensure more efficient execution. The sensitivity of data handled by educational institutions calls for a safer and centralized platform to seamlessly facilitate the flow of information.


ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) solutions have proven to be successful in rectifying many of the shortcomings posed by the conventional systems, which are heavily dependent on paperwork, manual labour and a group of multiple disconnected software. An advanced ERP solution will integrate academics, administration, accounting, transportation and other departments in an educational institution and automate operations letting the management take a bird’s eye view of all activities. Users can gain access to the software on a computer or mobile device from any part of the world.

Key Features of Advanced Education ERP Software:

  • Automated Admission Process
  • Manual and Auto-Generated Timetables
  • Efficient Room & Faculty Allocation
  • Online Exams & Assignments
  • Electronic Alerts
  • Logical Assessment of Student Performance
  • Online Grade cards and Certificates (TC, MC)
  • Hostel Management
  • Library Management
  • Asset and Inventory Management
  • Recruitment and Placement
  • Payroll & Accounting
  • Fees Management
  • Cloud Storage

The above-mentioned features offered by a competent ERP system for the education industry are guaranteed to bring your institution to the forefront in terms of standard and performance.

ERP for School & Education Management

Event Management

Student Management

  • Tracking Student Information
  • Automate Reminders

Hostel Management

  • Student Profile
  • Dashboard Management

Transport Management

  • Attendance Managament
  • Timetable Management
  • Exam Management
  • Evaluation Management
  • Fee Reciept Management
  • Book Management

Benefits of Implementing ERP System in
Educational Institutions

All operations concerning the institution are aligned to function smoothly and are visible in the centralized dashboard, enabling logical decision making.

As education is a fast-evolving sector, delay in the flow of information will impede not just one department, but many, often the repercussions being on a much wider scale.

Communication between departments is automated for a timely response. Integration of various departments and streamlining their operations leave less room for error, fraud, and embezzlement.

ERP system for the Education Industry will help institutions plan timetables, efficiently allocate faculty, find substitution faculty, and distribute rooms and resources without going through much trouble. If any change is made to the existing schedule, all the concerned parties are informed via electronic alerts.

This might come across as a surprise, but super-modern ERP solutions are designed keeping in mind the qualitative aspects of education. It enables institutions to exhibit superior standards in education.

The academic and non-academic student performance is tracked and assessed based on various checklists as prescribed by the management and the authorizing bodies. Transparency in assessment is achieved this way. Students can make tweaks to their study strategies accordingly and arrive at the desired outcome. The ERP system also grants parents access to the dashboard allowing them to closely monitor student activities.

Students and teachers can keep track of attendance, the number of hours completed, the number of hours remaining, lessons to be covered, reference sources etc via the ERP platform. Students will also be provided with an option to rate the performance of their teachers and share their feedback.

Effective student-teacher-parent communication will be facilitated through an ideal Education ERP Solution and will work towards improving the quality of education.

Effective inventory management plays a key role in budgeting and cost control in educational institutions. The allocation and distribution of books, furniture, electronics, stationery, and other assets need to be carefully recorded. Their value should be updated from time to time taking into consideration the depreciation as per industry standards. Adhering to these practices not only cuts down significant expenditure but also notifies any shortage and prompts timely purchases.

Regardless of the number of devices logged into the system or the volume of data uploaded, Prolitus Education ERP Software can be accessed and operated from any corner of the world using a smartphone or computer.

Education ERP Modules – Smart Management, Smooth Execution

Student & Faculty Management

This module moderates operations concerning student and faculty management by giving the user access to a variety of information for the institution to function more efficiently. Read More >

Hostel Management

Hostel management is as daunting a task as the school management. Keeping track of the capacity of different rooms and the hostel as a whole manually can be painstaking. Read More >

Finance & Accounting

This advanced module which is also featured in most of the ERP solutions is customized to meet the requirements of the education industry such as payroll management, Read More >

Inventory Control Module

This module aims to ensure the quality of assets and resources purchased, reduce wastage and theft, keep track of unit counts and optimally purchase and distribute Read More >

Library Management

How to make the best use of the school library keeping a tight rein on theft, decay, and mixing up? A module exclusively dedicated to the management of books, journals, Read More >

Event Management

Educational institutions are venues to a number of academic and non-academic events such as exams, festivals, competitions, exhibitions, and more. Taking into consideration Read More >

Why Choose Prolitus ERP Solution for your Educational

Technical support to education institutions through ERP implementation is no longer a luxury, but the need of the hour. It lets the authorities and faculties drive their attention away from mundane tasks and resource them for better ranking and the advancement of the institution.

A one-time investment that guarantees smooth operation and management in the education sector, Prolix Education ERP software has a track record of 100% success in implementation. Here are a few factors which make Prolix ERP software the best in the industry:

  • Cost-efficient and Highest ROI
  • Quantitative as well as Qualitative Data Provided
  • End-to-end Solution
  • Remote Access
  • Highly Customizable
  • CapEx and OpEx Optimization
  • User-friendly interface
  • Data security
  • Easy database-backup system
  • Zero Redundancy of Data
  • Accurate and Timely Response

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