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Why ERP Implementation is Indispensable in Hotel Business?

For an owner of a hotel business, it is imperative that you tap the full potential of technology to stay a step ahead of the competition and explore opportunities for growth while managing your resources efficiently.

ERP System for Hotel has been designed to help businesses across the world adapt to the digital world. It offers technological solutions to smoothly carry out every-day mundane activities concerning your business promptly and with precision.


Technology will be at the core of the hotel management business. The various departments will be integrated and their activities streamlined to tackle the struggles that come with expansion and growth through the ERP system.

Key Features of a Top-Notch Hotel ERP Software

  • Time-enabled decision making
  • All-in-one app
  • Real-time reporting
  • Data-based automation
  • Guest data recorder
  • Cloud storage
  • Remote access
  • Adherence to standard practices
  • Product replenishment cycle optimization
  • Accounting & Finance managemen
  • Easy Checkout and Check-in
  • Flexible and Customizable Modules

An ideal Hotel ERP system will streamline all business operations and take the pressure off the management, customers, employees, and stakeholders.

Features of ERP for Hotel Industry

ERP For Hospitality Management

Hotel Restaurant Management

  • Table Reservation
  • Customer Order Management
  • Creating Kitchen order Ticket
  • Generate Table Bill
  • Quick Reserve Facility
  • Orders added in Hotel Folio

Hotel Housekeeping Management

  • Providing Service Items
  • Room Cleaning
  • Dry Cleaning
  • Inspector Check
  • Status Update Past Check

Hotel Front Desk Management

  • Smartly Design DB
  • Real Time Room Available Updates
  • Increased Hospitality
  • Adopts with Restaurant
  • Currency Exchange

Hotel POS Reservation Management

  • Providing POS to Customers
  • Order in Customer Folio
  • Order Invoice
  • Order Paid

Hotel Reservation Management

  • Table Reservation
  • Customer Order Management
  • Creating Kitchen order Ticket

Benefits of ERP Implementation in the Hotel Management

Now that the reservation of a major share of rooms and tables is moved online with ERP System, you don’t have to fret about sales anymore. A huge slash in marketing expenditure is achieved as a result of this.

ERP implementation in your hotel business will deploy a diverse set of features which will enhance the customer experience right from booking the rooms to checking out.

They will no longer have to call up in person to enquire about rooms and reserve in advance. All information like types of rooms, occupancy, amenities, and hotel policies are available at the touch of a button.

Checking in and checking out used to eat up a lot of time from the limited time guests have in town in the past, but thanks to ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) solutions, these processes are smooth and hassle-free today.

Guests can order food and housekeeping services using our app. They can post their feedback after checking out, which will give the management feedback and guidelines regarding where they need to work on to improve customer experience.

Through the centralized workstation that comes with our advanced ERP system for your hotel business, you can track the status of every operation. The well-organized business modules help keep a close watch on accounting, inventory, HR, other departments and their activities.

The major advantages that prompt enterprises to shift to an ERP-based management system for their hotel businesses are the reduced time cycles, increased productivity, and the low operational costs that go hand in hand.

When most of the operations are automated, labour costs can be cut down tremendously. While digital folios reduce carbon footprint and save paper costs, automatically generated reports and analytics reduce management costs.

Guest information is recorded, updated, and organized in a cloud-based database, which will also act as a directory for marketing campaigns. The company can send personalized discounts and offers to the guests from time to time via email or text messages.

Adaptation to changing market conditions is important if a company intends to stay in the business for the long run. The earlier the transformation takes place, the less severe the damage will be.

If the right strategies are deployed, this revamping will be crucial in positioning the company ahead of its competitors. The real-time reports generated by the ERP system for the hotel industry will assist enterprises in developing resilient business models and implementing them.

Hotel ERP Modules – Support System for Your Business

Front-Desk Management

This unparalleled front desk management module consolidates all hotel front desk operations into a single platform providing usability and productivity to both customers and employees. Read More >

Hotel Reservation Management

It facilitates quick booking, yes, but the other perk of shifting to a digitized platform is the flexible pricing system. The prices of rooms adapt to demand during peak months, days, and hours. Read More >

Hotel Restaurant Management

A full-fledged ERP service for the hotel industry will feature this advanced module to facilitate hassle-free table booking facilities and manage customer orders effortlessly. Read More >

Hotel POS Restaurant Management

In circumstances where the customer resides in the hotel, it is more convenient if the restaurant bill is added to the hotel folio. Restaurant point-of-sale Read More >

Housekeeping Management

The advanced features of this module let customers choose the housekeeping service they wish to avail and schedule it. The software will assign an employee to the room and have the order taken care of. Read More >

Why Should You Choose ERP for Your Hospitality

Now that you are determined that ERP implementation is your next strategy towards the sustainability and growth of your hotel business, you need an experienced partner in the industry who will work with your team to analyze your needs and help you leverage the full potential of ERP. We can’t recommend you a more reliable ERP software solution for your hotel business than Prolitus.

We are an award-winning team of certified experts who have a track record of 100% success in ERP implementations. If you’re still curious about why you should choose us among the lot, we have listed out a few features that make our Hotel ERP Software the best in the industry.

  • Customizable Built-in features
  • End-of-day operations checklist
  • Financial data
  • Remote access
  • Staff allocation system
  • CapEx and OpEx optimization
  • User-friendly interface
  • Data security
  • Easy database-backup system
  • Order and Payment Process
  • Automated Reports and Analytics
  • Stronger operation control

Prolitus brings to you a comprehensive Hospitality Management ERP that can leverage the operations of your business and make the above benefits a reality. To know more about how complexities in hospitality management can be tackled effectively to save time and money, call us today for a free demo!

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