Home »ERP Solutions» ERP for Maritime Industry

Smooth-Sailing Management with Maritime ERP Implementation

The world economy wouldn’t be the same without the ceaseless flow of goods and materials from one place to the other through the vast expanse of water. With the growth in manufacturing and trading industries, especially due to the emergence of e-commerce websites, raw materials are being purchased and finished goods distributed, globally, driving sales for the maritime industry. A super-modern ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system, exclusively designed for the Maritime Industry, is the only way forward for marine and shipment enterprises. The compilation of integrated applications of this business management software will assist companies in tracking, storing, and providing insights into all data concerned with their maritime business.

Maritime ERP

Key Features of a Sophisticated ERP System
for the Maritime Industry

  • Data Coupling
  • Cloud Storage
  • Access to Mobile Version
  • Fully Integrated Database
  • Intuitive Reporting
  • Automation
  • Accurate Forecasting
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
  • Comprehensive Visibility
  • Accounting
  • Inventory Control
  • Multi-currency Exchange Rates
  • Budget Maintenance
  • Freight Management
  • Trip Management

A powerful ERP for Maritime Industry will transform and communicate raw data into logical information across the organization for refined management of your business.

ERP for Shipping Process Management

Data Consisting across
Shipping Processes
Style Platform For Complete
Ocean Freight Operations
Tracking Cost & Profit
For Agile Decisions

Export Custom Clearance

Ocean Freight

Import Custom Clearance

Advantages of Implementing ERP System
in Maritime Business

All shipping processes are integrated, streamlined, and managed from a single dashboard enabling close monitoring of all activities concerned with a maritime business. The storage locations before and during shipment are determined using a dedicated ERP for marine industry. Berths and yards for shipment are planned ahead to avoid any last-minute confusion. All data concerned with the shipment is retrieved with the touch of a button from any part of the world. This enhances the overall quality of the delivery system.

Since all data is integrated under one platform and communicated to all the departments concurrently, chances of fake shipments, that is, shipments present in the register but not in the warehouse, are reduced profoundly. In a short span of time, the elimination of discrepancy will begin to reflect its impact on revenue and profit.

Right data condensation is pivotal to developing a resilient and responsive business model. Accurate data throws light on the expenditure of the business and the profit generated over time. Marine ERP system provides enterprises insights into the performance of their business. It sets an industry benchmark and pushes the company to work towards achieving it by developing powerful business solutions. The timely communication enabled by streamlining and automating the operations will turn out to be cost-efficient and let the business redeem the initial expenses quickly.

To keep track of all the documents that need to be sent with shipments can be a daunting task. Along with the paperwork, approval is mandatory too. But with the extended modules offered by a superior Marine ERP system, paperwork and documentation shouldn’t be a cause for worry. The system will automatically generate the documents from the registry.

Maritime ERP Modules – Your Business
Operations Made Easy

Warehouse Management

A warehouse management module is built into a sophisticated Marine ERP software, for smooth and error-free execution of picking, packing, Read More >

Partner Module

The partner module is divided into different levels for efficient management of all the contacts needed by a maritime ERP solution. Read More >

Fleet Management Module

The core of the ERP for Maritime Industry, the fleet management module takes care of the compla jurisdiction, along with vessels which Read More >

Reporting Module

This advanced module compiles data from the dashboard and generates detailed dynamic reports with lists and charts for easy comprehension. Read More >

Finance & Accounting Management

Our dedicated Marine ERP system comes with a finance & accounting management module so that you can Read More >


Where the sea meets the sky’s the limit when it comes to the vast trove of opportunities the ERP system holds for the maritime industry. It’s not a luxury anymore, but the only way to go about if sustainable growth is what you’re looking for. To unleash the full potential of the ERP system, you should choose an experienced, passionate, and skilled partner in this journey with you. Prolitus ERP solutions for maritime industry has showcased an unparalleled track record of successful ERP implementation. Supported by cutting-edge technology, our award-winning team of certified experts take your business to new heights by integrating and automating your business operations.

  • Financial Module
  • Onboard System
  • Synchronization
  • Business Analytics & Reports
  • Regulatory Compliance System
  • 100% ERP Implementation Success
  • Cutting Edge Technology
  • Customizable Built-in Features
  • User-friendly Interface

Prolitus brings to you a comprehensive Hospitality Management ERP that can leverage the operations of your business and make the above benefits a reality. To know more about how complexities in hospitality management can be tackled effectively to save time and money, call us Today for a free demo!

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