

Captive Units

As reliable offshoring partners, Prolitus helps Clients set-up captive units. Such an arrangement will help improve efficiency significantly.

Dedicated Resources

At Prolitus, we provide our Clients’ with a team of dedicated resources to help create well-defined processes and standards for our clients.

Focus on Core Business

We support our Clients’ with all the software development related activities thereby providing them with the agility to focus on the core competencies of their business.

Outsourcing Business Processing

Our Business process outsourcing solution is designed to help our Clients remain competitive by ensuring increased operational efficiency, reduced costs and enhanced service delivery.

Cost Advantage

At Prolitus, we ensure cost-efficient delivery of superior quality services by implementing standard processes, simple methodologies, approach synchronization & commitment.

Turnaround Time

We help our Clients stay ahead of the competition by increasing development turnaroundtime, as well as rapid time-to-market.


General Agreement

Before collaborating with any of our Clients’ we sign a general agreement that outlines the terms, conditions,policies and procedures that requires compliance for a mutually beneficial and rewarding association.

NDA (Non-disclosure Agreement)

We sign a privacy and a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) to perfect the right of our Clients thereby preventing the misuse of their proprietary information.

Financial Contract

We prepare and sign a financial contract that defines the scope of a project along with the financial responsibility for the risks involved in this arrangement.




A Blockchain-based Cryptocurrency & Wallet developed for Health Care Marketplace

We developed a fresh Blockchain by forking the open source Litecoin Blockchain code. It ensures that the transactions made are immutable since all the transactions are aggrouped and commemorated in blocks,then coupled to the last block in the chain. Each transaction is verified using consensus.

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