Ecommerce Web Development & CRM solutions for a Toy Manufacturing Company

One of the largest manufacturers of plastic molded toys, fun-stations, playground equipment and children’s furniture in India, approached Prolitus to develop an e-commerce website, a CRM mechanism, and design their franchise model. Their products are distributed all over the country through a network of distributors and retailers. However, like all business enterprises, they wanted to expand their scope and increase sales. For this purpose, they decided to enter the retail space and connect directly with its end consumers. This will also help them with the branding of their products. Two mediums were planned – e-commerce website/shopping app and E-zones (experience zones)/retail stores throughout the country. Apart from this, they also decided to focus on their door-to-door sales channel to increase their distributor sales (which indirectly affects their sales).


The business requirement of the client was classified into four parts:


Through a network of the sales team and salespeople spread throughout the country, they aimed to drastically improve the distributor sales (which indirectly affects them). A centralized Call Centre will be responsible for the generation of leads and assign the same to Sales Person of respective teams. These leads and appointments would automatically be visible on the CRM app used by the sales team. Through this app, each salesperson will manage all his CRM activities like meetings, phone calls, follow-ups, leads, opportunities, DSRs (daily sales reports), etc. The headquarters of the company will be able to monitor the activities of its Sales Team, their targets and predict future sales.


Their current Godrej ERP could not be extended to incorporate the new business model of combining E-commerce sales. There was a need for a system that would be seamlessly integrated with an E-com website and shopping app. The system should be able to tackle the following aspects of the business too – Sales, Purchase, Inventory, Accounting & Finance and reporting.

E-zone/POS sales

The client had a plan for a 360-degree approach to the marketing of their brand. It is opening up experience zones in popular malls where people can either buy products directly or test out these products with their children. They also provide cash service where children can play and stay on an hourly basis.

fun station

ODealer franchise model

Many of their franchises were established in different parts of country, India. These would be owned by a third party but will be using an ERP provided by the client itself, so that they could monitor the sales and forecast its manufacturing stock. Also, these would be closely integrated with the ERP eg. a Purchase Order raised by the dealer would automatically trigger a Sales Order to client.


Prolitus offered a completely flexible, all-in-one license free solution with the ability to extend in any domain of business if required. This solution managed all the following operations –

  • Complete integration with the website, and management of the website and shopping app sales.
  • Purchase management both for local and imported purchases.
  • Multi-warehouse management and all their stock operations plus management of courier companies.
  • Customer Relationship Management with an integrated mobile app for a Sales person to manage leads, opportunities, meetings, and sales on the go.
  • The point of Sale, for various, retails stores/E-zones supporting stock and price management with reporting.
  • Human Resource management including attendance, leave and payroll management.
  • Complete Accounting & Finance system with all accounting features based on Indian Accounting.
  • Separate databases for each dealer (closely integrated with the ERP) having POS, Purchase Management, Warehouse Management and Accounting & Finance.


With Prolitus as its backbone, the client has now entered the retail market with the launch of a fully functioning website/app and POS retail stores along with separate databases for different dealers in its franchise model. The implementation of CRM has shown a considerable difference in their distributor’s sales. Thanks to the reporting & MIS provided by the system, headquarters of the company is now aware of the activities of each of its sales team. With the on-going success of the current system, next challenge is to replace the obsolete generic system by extending the current system in manufacturing domain as well.

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